Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Take on the Apple iPad

Well, I have spent the summer using Apple's new iPad and I have definitely formed an opinion.  Quite frankly, I am not sure it is worth the money.....just yet.
The more I use it the more frustrated I become.  If you are looking for a fantastic looking book reader or over-sized iPod, this is your gadget.  However, if you are looking for a computer to do traditional computer based work, I would say don't give up on your laptop yet.   
Hey Apple, in case you are interested, here are the problems you need to address as soon as possible! 
1.  If you want your iPad to be anything more than a book reader or big iPod it has to have the ability to view web sites that use Flash.  For those of you who don't know, Flash is an animation and video platform from Adobe.  Flash is commonly used on web sites and right now the iPad cannot view these sites properly. 
2.  Why did you abandon your easy to use philosophy with the iPad?  Wonder what I am talking about?  Try printing with the iPad.  Simply put, you can't, at least not without downloading and installing third party add-ons. 
3.  The whole world is multitasking, except iPad users.  Multitasking is the computer's ability to run two or more programs at the same time.  The iPad cannot do this!  Seriously, Apple, what were you thinking?  Teachers and students NEED to be able to multitask.  Ok, ok, Apple says you can multitask, but playing music from my iTunes library while working on my iPad is NOT what I consider multitasking! 
4.  Where oh where are all the Apps?  The one thing I LOVE about my iTouch is the large selection of 3rd party applications (Apps) that I can download and play.  Sure they are available for the iPad but most have not been rewritten to display properly.  What does this mean?  It means I have a giant iPad screen that displays most Apps in itty-bitty, teenie-weenie form.  Come on Apple, help me out - encourage all those developers to make iPad apps!
5.  Where's the camera and webcam?  Missing. 
6. Where's the USB port?  Missing.
7. And finally, let's talk about the TOUCHY subject of keyboarding.  Trust me, if you have to type anything more that a few words you are in for a real treat!  If you are able to position your iPad in a way that makes viewing and typing easy, you have accomplished the first major obstacle!   Now, try typing faster than a turtle's pace...not so easy, better spring for the add-on standard-size keyboard and iPad stand! Typing on an iPad is like driving all day in a SMARTcar smart can do it, but why?  It is not going to be enjoyable!
In conclusion, I would say sit back and wait for Apple to address the obvious iPad problems before buying one. 
So, there you have it, are you with me?

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